Social Metrics, Policies, and Practices

Ever-Green is an equal opportunity employer committed to a work environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. All employees should be able to work in an environment that promotes equal employment opportunities and is free from any form of harassment. Ever-Green prohibits any form of harassment, discrimination, racism, and retaliation.

Ever-Green’s Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy and Complaint Procedure prohibits sexual harassment and harassment, defined as verbal, written, or physical conduct that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual because of their race, color, creed, religion, sex, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, ancestry, marital status, familial status, public assistance, socio-economic status, human rights commission activity, disability, age, sexual or affectional orientation, genetic information, status as a qualified protected veteran, or any other status protected by law that:

  1. Has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment:
  2. Has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance; or
  3. Otherwise adversely affects an individual’s employment opportunities.

This policy also prohibits racism and discrimination, which is defined as the practice of proactively opposing and not tolerating racism and discrimination and promoting equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging. We commit to maintaining an environment where all employees, consultants, partners, and customers know they are valued regardless of gender identity, race, color, sexual orientation, language, national origin, religion, disability, or age.

Racism and discrimination can be unconscious, implicit, or unintentional and identifying racism as an issue does not automatically mean those involved in the act are racist or intended the negative impact. As an antiracism and anti-discrimination organization we purposefully identify, discuss and challenge issues of equity, diversity, inclusion, and racism and the impacts they have on the organization, internal and external stakeholders, and the greater community. Ever-Green trains all employees on harassment and discrimination at least annually across all locations, and has a thorough, documented process for reporting all perceived incidents of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation. Anyone who engages in sexual or other harassment will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination.

There have been zero documented incidents of discrimination or harassment within this reporting period. The company conducts bi-annual employee surveys to assess the strengths of the company as well as to identify improvements. In the 2023 employee survey, inclusion and diversity were recognized as a strength of the company.

Ever-Green works to advance employee skills by encouraging and supporting professional development and education through diverse pathways that best suit individual needs.

Ever-Green Energy University (EGE•U) is the professional training institute of Ever-Green coordinated by the Human Resources department. This program provides training opportunities for employees from their first day of employment to retirement. EGE•U is a multifaceted approach to employee learning and development that is purpose-driven, promoting the foundational elements of Ever-Green’s company values — exceptional service, excellence, people, integrity, respect, environmental stewardship, and community. The program encourages employees to invest in themselves through the company’s commitment to developing, encouraging, and promoting high-quality talent.

Ever-Green provided more than 5,868 hours of training (which averages to be over 37 hours per employee) to its employees. Training courses are offered to equip employees with the knowledge and skills required to perform their jobs and advance in their professions in a safe and ethical manner. In addition to job-specific training, EGE•U provides a wide range of voluntary training and learning opportunities such as topics on mental and physical wellness, nutrition, customer care, system specific learnings, and environmental sustainability. Training on information security, sexual harassment, unconscious bias, and workplace safety are required to be taken by all employees. Workplace safety training covers a variety of topics based on job requirements and systems being operated.

EGE•U is structured into four schools:

ONBOARDING provides new employees the opportunity to get to know the organization through an orientation process.

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT offers employees diverse learning opportunities encouraging growth in knowledge, skill, and ability.

LEADERSHIP TRAINING is practical leadership development offered specifically to hone the skills of leadership for their role in the organization.

ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNING educates employees on the foundational elements of Ever-Green through staff-led training, roundtables, and tours.

The illustration reads 100% of active, eligible non-union Ever-Green employees received a performance and career development review
As one component of the talent development process, Ever-Green conducts annual performance reviews to assess employee overall performance during the previous year and provide a guide for goal setting and individual development in the coming year. Additionally, each manager is provided with the necessary tools and training to help each employee work toward their individual development goals.

Ever-Green offers a competitive benefits package to employees, including medical, dental, and vision insurance. The company offers voluntary benefits that promote mental, behavioral, and preventative health. Additionally, a comprehensive wellness program driven by employees across the organization supports and promotes health, community, social, and financial wellness initiatives.

Employee benefits can vary per operating location and collective bargaining agreement. Ever-Green offers a range of benefits to our non-union employees and union employees represented by a collective bargaining agreement providing for participation in the company-sponsored benefit program including:

  • Medical insurance with choice of co-pay or high deductible plan
  • Health savings account with additional company contribution
  • Flexible spending account
  • Dental insurance
  • Vision insurance
  • Employee basic and voluntary life and AD&D insurance
  • Dependent basic and voluntary life insurance
  • Short-term and long-term disability
  • Group accident insurance
  • Critical illness insurance
  • 401(k) retirement plan
  • Emergency travel protection
  • Identity theft protection
  • Employee assistance program
  • Paid time off and eleven paid holidays
  • Paid leaves of absence
  • Tuition reimbursement program
  • Company-paid parking or bus passes
  • Pet insurance

The illustration reads 92% of employees participated in company sponsored 401(k) plan as of 12/31/2023

Educational Assistance

Ever-Green’s educational assistance program encourages professional development through formal education. Our employees’ knowledge and unique skillsets are fundamental to our company. To foster continued education and professional growth, Ever-Green offers an educational assistance program to which all regular, benefit-eligible, full-time and part-time employees are eligible and encouraged to apply. Through the program, Ever-Green provides reimbursement of 90% of the cost of tuition and books up to $5,250 per calendar year.

Retirement Transition

The Voluntary Employee Retirement Notice (VERN) program provides an incentive to eligible employees who are contemplating near-term retirement to give Ever-Green advance notice of their plans and to participate in a more orderly transition and transfer of essential knowledge before their final day of work. The VERN program is also a proactive step in Ever-Green’s talent management strategy, which includes providing meaningful professional development opportunities to prepare our employees for success in their current and future roles within the organization.

Parental Leave

Parental leave entitlement varies by location. Ever-Green follows applicable federal and state regulations. Parents who have not met the federal and/or state eligibility requirements may be eligible for two weeks of paid parenting leave for the birth or adoption of a child under the company’s leave policy. All employees are entitled to parental leave and those who have opted to exercise this right have all returned to work following their leave within this reporting period.

Ever-Green strives for a positive safety culture and adherence to the highest safety standards for its employees, and also those engaged in the company’s work. Company decisions and policies are created with the foundational belief that safety does not occur by chance and is the result of careful attention to the work performed by all those involved, including managers and supervisors.

Our Safety Approach

Upon beginning employment, employees are trained to complete work in a safe manner. They are instructed in how to recognize and address risks. For safety concerns beyond their control, team members are asked to notify their supervisor or facility management. Workplaces are inspected by Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) personnel, safety committees, consultants, and regulatory agencies that assist in identifying risks. Minor risks are corrected immediately, while others that require additional time or resources are tracked to completion. Ever-Green follows a hierarchy of controls established for hazard mitigation. Company preference in resolving risk is always to eliminate it entirely, otherwise make a substitution which replaces the hazard with a safer alternative, utilize engineering controls to isolate people from the hazard, issue administrative controls to change the way people work, and as a last resort, utilize personal protective equipment to protect the employee. Employees are expected to report all observed work-related hazards and hazardous situations. Reports may be submitted informally, in a verbal, written, or electronic message to a supervisor, a member of the management team, or the EHS department. Additionally, employees in several operational settings can enter work orders for the risk to be tracked and corrected.

Employees receive training to minimize unnecessary risks and avoid situations where factors may lead to injury or adverse health effects. Reporting unsafe conditions or voluntarily removing themselves from hazardous work areas will not result in negative consequences. This approach creates a safe and healthy work environment for all employees.

Incident Response

In the event of workplace incidents or injuries, an immediate response is essential. Upon receiving a report of a work-related incident, Ever-Green team members adhere to the procedures outlined in the Incident and Injury Reporting Policy and Incident Investigation Policy. Ever-Green works to see that all employees receive proper care and that incidents are thoroughly investigated to determine root causes and proactive steps to prevent a recurrence. The investigation is led by the employee’s supervisor, manager, or the EHS department, who work with the affected employee and others who have knowledge of the process, risks, and can contribute to identifying and implementing corrective actions.

Managing Health Risk

Employees in roles with increased potential for exposure to conditions that could adversely impact health are enrolled in health monitoring programs overseen and deployed by licensed health care professionals. Monitoring employee health conditions and early identification of impacts helps to indicate where risks are not properly being mitigated by the company, or where there is a need for improved controls, following the hierarchy of controls by preferred control method. Results of health monitoring are only provided to employees who can help to review records and determine if additional monitoring and controls are needed and kept private from the rest of the company. Employees who have access to these records participate in HIPAA training annually, so they are aware of privacy policies and Ever-Green’s expectations.

Health and Safety Committees

The Minnesota Occupational Health and Safety Administration (MNOSHA) requires that all employers with more than 25 employees are required to establish a joint labor-management safety and health committee for their workplace. Ever-Green is committed to providing a safe workplace and protecting the wellbeing of its employees and has established a joint management-worker health and safety committee for its Minnesota locations. Members meet monthly to:

  • Generate and communicate ideas that lead to increased safety awareness
  • Establish a culture that promotes reporting of injury, illness, and incident
  • Review work-related incidents
  • Provide a system to report hazards and safety related suggestions
  • Coordinate efforts of the committee with other company departments to facility active engagement
  • Communicate activities with non-members and encourage their involvement in efforts to promote a strong safety culture
  • Provide general support for the implementation of a comprehensive safety program

Safety Training

Safety training is provided to all employees upon beginning work and periodically throughout the year. It is delivered through a variety of mechanisms, including in-person classroom, virtual, and on-the-job-training. Training topics vary based on job responsibilities, applicability, risk, and awareness needs, and may include but are not limited to:

  • Asbestos awareness
  • Confined space
  • Control of hazardous energy/lockout tag out
  • Cranes, hoists, and rigging
  • Electrical safety
  • Emergency response
  • Excavation and trenching
  • Fall protection
  • Fire prevention
  • Hazard communication/right to know
  • Hot work
  • Hearing conservation
  • Incident reporting
  • Mobile equipment
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Powered industrial truck
  • Respirator protection
  • Traffic flow
  • Walking working surfaces

Safety Programs

To mitigate negative occupational health and safety impacts to employees and those engaged in work at facilities the company operates, Ever-Green has created A Workplace Accident and Injury Reduction (AWAIR) program. The objective of this program is to maintain a safe and healthy workplace. The program outlines the following:

  • Roles and responsibilities for managers, supervisors, and employees for implementation of the safety and health programs and policies as well as how continued participation of managers will be established, measured, and maintained
  • The established methods used to identify, analyze, and control new or existing hazards, conditions, and operations
  • Communications plan to all affected employees, so they are informed of work-related hazards and controls
  • Process for workplace accidents investigation and corrective action implementation
  • Enforcement of safe work practices and rules


The illustration reads employees logged 142 hours of volunteering in 2023Ever-Green is committed to supporting activities that enhance the communities we serve. The volunteer program offers Ever-Green team members the opportunity to share in this effort by providing time away from work to participate in activities that serve and support the community. Ever-Green currently provides eligible employees up to eight hours per calendar year of paid time off to use for group volunteer activities sponsored by the company.

Human Rights

No operations or corporation suppliers are considered to have significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor.


Regular training surrounding conflict of interest is conducted to minimize the potential for corporate corruption. Additionally, external audits take place annually for both the parent company and Ever-Green. All operations are assessed for risks related to corruption. There have been no confirmed incidents in this reporting period.

The illustration includes three facts. There were no substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy. There were no complaints received from outside parties, substantiated by organization. There were no complaints received from outside parties, substantiated by organization.Certain customer-related information constitutes confidential and proprietary information. Any information that belongs to Ever-Green, or its customers, is maintained in confidence whether it is marked “confidential” or “proprietary.” Employees may not copy or distribute any confidential or proprietary program, material, or other information which they have access to due to their employment with Ever-Green, other than for approved use. This restriction applies during and after employment with Ever-Green or any of its affiliates. If in doubt whether any program, material, or other information is confidential or proprietary, employees are required to consult the CEO or general counsel before disclosure. Any situation in which Ever-Green’s proprietary information has or may have been compromised is reported immediately to Ever-Green’s general counsel. Employees who violate this policy may be subject to discipline up to and including termination and legal action.

The illustration reads employees completed 52 hours of security training in 2023
Ever-Green’s cybersecurity initiatives are essential in protecting internal, customer, and partner information and supporting reliable energy service delivery. Ever-Green’s cybersecurity framework is guided by the information security program. This program includes directives for industrial control systems to address their unique security posture. The industrial control systems are segmented from the IT networks. Training is provided to all employees on an annual basis and targeted training is also conducted if the situation arises. Assessments and penetration testing are completed annually, with the outcomes being prioritized in ongoing efforts. Cyber insurance acts as the backstop of all cybersecurity efforts, working as a final guardrail in the instance of a technological breach. Employees who completed the trainings were evaluated on their individual cybersecurity proficiency through phishing simulations and testing. This allowed the information security team to customize training and provide additional guidance and education when needed.

Learn more in the Content Index with reference to the GRI Standards