Burlington District Energy System Enters Phase 3
February 12, 2021 by Ever-Green Energy
Creating a district energy system in Burlington would meet the long-held goal of recovering waste heat and renewable energy from Burlington’s biomass-fired McNeil Generating Station. The proposed district energy system would provide thermal energy to the University of Vermont Medical Center. This would also be a significant step toward Burlington’s goal to become a Net Zero Energy city, and would bring meaningful sustainability action to Burlington, including significant energy savings and an impactful reduction in Burlington’s greenhouse gas emissions.
The most recent effort with Ever-Green included the Phase 2 detailed engineering analysis and refined economic modeling that resulted in an innovative business structure, enabling community participation in this low-carbon district energy system.

This proposed approach involves Ever-Green establishing a new district energy business that would buy steam from McNeil Generating Station, and sell it to Vermont Gas Services. Vermont Gas Services would sell the steam to the University of Vermont Medical Center, and sell the renewable attributes of the steam to the greater Burlington community.
Ever-Green Energy is proud to partner in the advancement of Burlington’s district energy system along with City of Burlington, Vermont, Burlington Electric Department, Vermont Gas Systems, Inc., and The University of Vermont Medical Center. Learn more here.