International District Energy Association Annual Conference in Saint Paul – 2016
June 1, 2016 by Ever-Green Energy
The World is Coming to Saint Paul to Talk about Energy
The International District Energy Association (IDEA) is coming to Saint Paul, Minnesota, June 20-23 to discuss the future of our energy systems and how they will serve our urban centers, higher education, corporate, and health care campuses. Saint Paul and the Twin Cities area are host to dozens of systems, showcasing efficient and effective fuel and technology integration and with new systems proposed to utilize the latest and greatest in the industry. This year’s theme, Embracing Change, provides a platform to explore emerging technologies, innovative policies, and connect with global leaders advancing a new energy paradigm for cities, communities, and campuses.
Community Energy Forum: International and Minnesota Perspectives on Emerging Trends
June 21, 2016: 6:00-8:30 PM – Saint Paul RiverCentre
Please join us for a forum on emerging energy trends, showcasing Minnesota and international perspectives. The conference theme, Embracing Change, provides a platform to explore new technologies, policy trends, and how utilities and businesses are changing to meet market and consumer demands. Join us for a community engagement hour from 6:00-7:00 PM or to hear international and Minnesota energy experts share their thoughts on emerging trends from 7:00-8:30 PM.
Student Opportunities
We are seeking out interested students to participate in the conference and learn more about the industry and meet experts in the field. The deadline to apply has been extended to June 9.
Students have the opportunity to participate in a special networking event on June 21, 4:00-5:30 PM in the Saint Paul RiverCentre Rotunda. We are additionally seeking 16 students to present their research and projects during the conference.
About Our Community Commitment
Ever-Green Energy is an active and engaged participant in the local communities it serves, especially its hometown of Saint Paul, MN. Here, Ever-Green supports the work of its District Energy, Energy Park, and Environmental Wood Supply affiliates, by participating in events, partnerships, and educational activities. Our “community” extends beyond Saint Paul, however, to the set of energy innovators, like-minded companies, contractors, developers, city and county governments, colleges and universities, and other utilities whose task, along with ours, is to create a more sustainable energy future. As part of its commitment to the community, Ever-Green Energy, its leaders, and its family of companies are proud to have gained the recognition of peers. Along the way, our team has earned various awards that encourage our advancement of integrated systems and which inspire us to do more. We are always looking for ways to better serve our many communities, and encourage you to get involved!