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Ever-Green Operations Respond to COVID-19

April 21, 2020 by Ever-Green Energy

Like many others, the Ever-Green teams are working hard to respond to the COVID-19 crisis. In this time of great challenge, our company turns to our core values to guide us. We wanted to take this opportunity to share how we are living our values to bring our best to our operations and our customers.  

As a utility provider, operational excellence and keeping our people and customers safe are essential tenets to maintaining system reliability. Our teams are responsible for the safety of our customers, who rely on our energy and water services. We have upheld reliability of service as our foremost priority. We could not deliver these services without our dedicated staff, so now more than ever, we have worked to optimize operating protocols to keep our essential operations team members safe in their everyday responsibilities.

Ever-Green has executed the key components of our emergency preparedness plans in each of our locations in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Ohio:

  • Prepared each of our operating locations for the potential for reduced staff availability and reduced availability of critical resources.
  • Adhering to the guidance of the Center for Disease Control and state health departments to minimize exposure and spread of COVID-19 both at work and away from work.
  • Established routine communication and response throughout our organization to allow rapid response to new developments in the areas we serve.
  • Continuing to stay in close communication with our customers to make sure they have the support they need from us.
  • Preparing our operations for the next phase of transition as people return to their offices and occupancy levels increase in the buildings served by our systems.

We want to make a special acknowledgement of the facilities and businesses within our systems that are keeping our communities fed, housed, safe, and healthy — particularly the health care facilities who are caring for the sick and vulnerable during this time. We are proud to do our part to keep people secure through our utility services and to support the efforts of so many working together to keep us well and moving toward better times.

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