Ever-Green volunteering with Audubon

Honoring 50 Years of Earth Day

April 22, 2020 by Ever-Green Energy

Like many organizations, two months ago our team was planning for the celebration of Earth Day’s 50th anniversary. Ever-Green holds environmental stewardship and community partnership as core company values, and this anniversary is a wonderful opportunity to support the mission of Earth Day to diversify, educate, and activate our community in support of the environment. As with many aspects of our work, the global impact and response to COVID-19 has required us to pivot our sustainability outreach and engagement.

The environmental community has continued to show its adaptability and dedication to helping our planet and our people through times of crisis. We have rounded up some alternative activities for Earth Day and Arbor Day and are finding ways for our team to support climate education, tree planting, and other safe activities to support the mission and purpose of these global initiatives. Our deep gratitude goes to all of these partners still finding ways to invest and connect for the sake of environmental stewardship.

Ever-Green volunteering with Audubon in Milwaukee, Saint Paul, and Duluth.

These challenging times have also reinforced the importance of resilience in our infrastructure and our systems. Our team is proud to have four projects moving toward near-term carbon neutrality, with 12 total projects working on decarbonization. We believe that reducing carbon and addressing climate change is still critical, and we are glad to share that these projects and efforts are planning to work through COVID-19 challenges to proceed with groundbreaking technology that will reduce global carbon and demonstrate what is possible.

Earth Day and Arbor Day Activities from Our Partners

Check out these alternative celebration ideas for communities, campuses, organizations, and individuals from Arbor Day Foundation. We would also like to highlight ideas for environmental volunteering and education from Mississippi Park Connection, Audubon Minnesota, and Schlitz Audubon Nature Center—partners in Ever-Green’s corporate volunteerism. Also join Audubon in welcoming spring through these bird-friendly activities, and see their website for resources for native plants that support birds.

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