Mission Rock Redevelopment Site Construction Progress

Mission Rock Redevelopment Breaks Ground

February 12, 2021 by Ever-Green Energy

In January 2021, the Ever-Green team accomplished a major milestone for the development of Mission Rock Utilities by installing the first distribution piping for its district energy and black water recycling systems.

Mission Rock Live Construction Cam Feb 11

This is an important step to achieving the net zero profile for the Mission Rock development, building on the bay water exchange system that will provide carbon-free heating and cooling to buildings. This work is happening alongside the early construction for the first buildings on site. There is a lot of activity between site and utility development, which takes extra care and coordination between Ever-Green distribution staff and the construction and development partners in San Francisco.

Mission Rock is a key gateway development and one of the most prominent undeveloped sites in the Mission Bay neighborhood of San Francisco. The sustainability vision for Mission Rock is for highly efficient buildings, as well as 100% of the energy use to come from renewable sources. Additional commitments include zero use of potable water for non-potable purposes.

This collaboration of the San Francisco Giants, Tishman Speyer, the City of San Francisco, the San Francisco Port Commission, and Ever-Green enabled the implementation of sustainable, resilient, reliable, and cost-effective energy and water solutions. Ever-Green is leading the development, financing, and implementation of Mission Rock Utilities. Learn more about Mission Rock.

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