Nine Decades of District Energy in Duluth

December 28, 2022 by Ever-Green Energy

2022 marked 90 years of district energy service in the City of Duluth. The longevity and advancement of this system would not be possible without the City of Duluth’s partnership. Starting with Mayor Samuel F. Snively in 1932 through current Duluth Mayor Emily Larson, the district energy system has served downtown under the leadership of 15 Duluth mayors—not to mention dozens of historic temperatures, blizzards, and polar vortexes that challenge even the hardiest Minnesotan’s comfort levels.

Duluth Energy Systems, as it is known today, serves more than 6 million square feet for nearly 150 buildings in downtown and Canal Park. Notable milestones along the way have included replacing 16 blocks of aged steam pipe with efficient hot water infrastructure on Superior Street, reducing greenhouse gas emissions for heating by 50%, and the ongoing efforts to replace steam with hot water for increased efficiency and cost savings.

The Ever-Green Energy team is proud to operate and manage this system that is both a long-standing staple of Duluth history and an opportunity to innovate well into the future.[envira-gallery id=”3088″]

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