Energy Park Utility Company

Investing for Increased Efficiency, Versatility, and Service Quality

Ever-Green Energy serves as the operations and management provider for the Energy Park Utility Company (EPUC), a utility established to serve a brownfield urban corridor redeveloped by the Saint Paul Port Authority in 1983. EPUC provides heating and cooling services to the mixed-use business center offering office space, schools, light industrial manufacturing facilities, health clinics, a hotel, and more than 780 affordable and market-rate housing options within Energy Park.

Ever-Green’s Role

Since 1997, Ever-Green has served as the system operation, maintenance, and management team for EPUC. Ever-Green is responsible for maintaining the highest possible level of reliability to the EPUC customer base, which includes mission-critical data centers and also manages customer service, metering, billing, capital planning, and maintenance for the system.

In 2014, our team also led the conversion of the two-pipe distribution system to a four-pipe system to better serve the heating and cooling needs of the customer base. Throughout that project, Ever-Green led the development of financing packages, extension of customer contracts, pre-construction engineering, distribution system design, construction oversight, and implementation of various plant and customer building improvements for enhanced efficiency.

System Summary

Saint Paul, Minnesota


Operations, maintenance, and management including construction engineering and design


Community utility

Square Footage

2.96 million square feet

Buildings Served


System Highlights

  • Public private partnership
  • Brownfield redevelopment
  • Conversion to four-pipe distribution system


  • Hot water district heating
  • District cooling
  • PEX piping integration
  • Year-round cooling
  • Directional drilling for distribution system upgrades


  • 1983 – Energy Park was purchased by the Saint Paul Port Authority and redeveloped.
  • 1997 – Ever-Green was selected as the OMM partner.
  • 2009 – Long-term planning begins for system upgrades, efficiency improvements, and growth.
  • 2014 – System upgraded from two-pipe heating and cooling distribution to four-pipe, as well as expansion of the cooling system.
  • 2018 – Recapitalization of heating equipment and expansion to serve additional customers.
  • 2021 – The Saint Paul Port Authority entered into a long-term lease of Energy Park Utility Company assets with District Energy St. Paul. District Energy, via its affiliate management company Ever-Green Energy, will provide full oversight of the utility business management including system financing, strategic capital investment, and customer care.