Michael Burns is the Chief System Operations Officer for Ever-Green Energy. Michael has worked for Ever-Green Energy and its affiliated companies since 1998. He leads the Operation and Maintenance Teams at Ever-Green Energy’s energy generation facilities. Burns has been instrumental in the implementation of St. Paul’s 33-MW, biomass-fired combined heat and power facility, development of the renewable fuel market for the CHP plant, and integration of this facility into the local energy delivery system. He has since been applying the Company’s expertise and practical solutions to each of Ever-Green’s operations under management as he leads the integration, formation of the on-site teams, and ongoing client relations. Under his leadership, these operations have achieved best-in-class reliability and an array of industry-leading best-practices. He has more than 30 years of engineering and leadership experience in all aspects of energy facility operations and project implementation, from large electric utility generating units to renewable energy and CHP installations. Michael has a BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Notre Dame and an MBA from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University.
Call 651.290.2812 or email info@ever-greenenergy.com to chat with an energy systems expert.