Assessing Materiality: Looking to Our Stakeholders
August 10, 2022 by Ever-Green Energy
Ever-Green Energy’s stakeholders play an essential role in guiding the company’s continuous improvement. As we expand our environmental, social, and governance efforts, we look to these stakeholders to provide us with their perspectives and priorities. In 2021, we conducted our first materiality survey to identify priority issues for our stakeholders, clients, and employees.
We looked to peers in our industry to understand material issues identified within the energy sector’s sustainability reports, as well as topics highlighted within GRI reporting frameworks. Participants were asked to rank environmental, social, and governance values and goals, as well as note any additional priorities. We surveyed our key stakeholders including employees, executives, the board of directors, utility owners, and project clients, customers, receiving 100 responses total. These results were weighted so that each stakeholder group (employees, customers, board) had an equal impact and were then charted against potential business impact.