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Past Webinar: Cohort Profile of University of Minnesota Morris – Targeting Carbon Neutrality by 2025

June 12, 2020 by Ever-Green Energy

Recording coming soon!

This webinar is the second in a three-part webinar series focused on aspects of our Roadmap to Carbon Neutrality program and carbon neutrality planning for higher education institutions.

This webinar took place on July 14, 2020 from 1:00-2:00pm CST.


  • Michael Ahern, SVP System Development, Ever-Green Energy
  • Bryan Hermann, Vice Chancellor, Finance and Facilities, University of Minnesota Morris

Summary: In 2019, University of Minnesota Morris (UMN Morris) was selected as one of three schools to participate in a groundbreaking pilot aimed at helping higher education campuses to achieve carbon neutrality. UMN Morris was selected based on its commitment to carbon reductions, proven track record of energy efficiency and renewable integration, and a commitment to achieve this milestone by 2025.

Over the past year, UMN Morris has worked with the Ever-Green team to identify near-term solutions that are both technically and financially feasible for the campus. The campus has already taken many steps to reduce carbon and has a replicable approach in many of the strategies it has already implemented and is considering for the future. This webinar will present the solutions identified for this campus, the recommendations to move the campus energy program to carbon neutrality, and steps that UMN Morris will be taking to implement the recommended solutions.

This webinar will present:

  • Solutions identified for this campus
  • Recommendations to move the campus energy program to carbon neutrality
  • Steps that UMN Morris will be taking to implement the recommended solutions

Discussion topics:

  • Biomass
  • Combined heat and power
  • Steam-to-hot water transition
  • Beneficial electrification
  • Energy efficiency on campus
  • Measuring energy use and data management
  • Carbon neutrality strategies
  • Financing strategies
  • Managing renewable energy production and power purchase agreements

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